Are You Losing Customers Due to a Bad Online Reputation?

Are You Losing Customers Due to a Bad Online Reputation?

Are You Building a Great Online Reputation? Imagine this: you’re a small business owner, and you’ve worked hard to build up a great reputation. You have a great product or service, and your customers love you. They leave positive reviews online, and your potential customers see them and are eager to do business with you.…

How to Avoid Getting Penalized by Google for Black Hat SEO

How Google Provide Results on SERP and What is Black Hat SEO and Its Techniques?

How to Avoid Getting Penalized by Google for Black Hat SEO Google is consciously giving users qualitative and authoritative content results through SERP for their query. To do this, it follows three steps to provide relevant results of the query i.e., crawling, indexing, serving (and ranking). The first step “Crawling” is needed to find out…